Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday 31st July 2009 - Whale Watching Day

Happy Whale Watching Day!

I think whale watching is surreal. What do you think?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday 30th July 2009 - Eat Burmese Food Day

It's been an awesome day. It just felt so good. Had a few successful experiments, lots of belly laughs, got some work done. Yoga class was very yogic, if you know what I mean. I enjoy my Thursday class. Perhaps it is because everybody feels accepted. There is no conscious challenge. It is a lot of fun, and some work. It is all about going with the flow. I've stopped trying to please everybody. My class on Thursday became a really happy class once I defined myself. I said ' hey folks, this is what we are all about, and this is what we do. If you think it will suit you, go ahead and join. I'd love to have you here. But if you want something different, there are heaps of teachers who will be happy to help'.
Well, that did it.
Hey, I may have just cracked a code of some sort. Before one can really know oneself, it is probably a good idea to define oneself. Who am I? What am I? What makes me tick?
I can never be a teacher or Power Yoga. I don't really care for it. True, I admire those who do it. I like to savour every inhalation and every exhalation. I need to immerse myself in the moment, the moment of movement. Not for me the rapid-fire shift in posture from down-dog to plank-to -to scorpion and so on until I'm all out of breath. For me, it's all about harmony, grace and fun.
It is the lightness of being in all things great and small.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Elmer Fudd Day - 28th July 2009

I miss my wasckally wabbit. My little bugs was the cutest wabbit I ever had. In fact she was the furst wabbit that wanted to be with me. We found her hopping awound the hill at twilight. She jumped wight into our arms as though she knew she would be safe with us. And she was. For a while.
Wherever you are my little Nibbly and Chewy, we're thinking of you. Thanks for all the joy and fun.